My blog

My thoughts and ideas

  • A cubism panel plugin for Grafana

    I really like cubism, I find it very useful to display a lot of information in dense way.

    Grafana is the obvious tool in 2024 for doing graphs on time series so I think it would be great to have a way of doing cubism like graphs in Grafana, given the number of issues mentioning...

  • Xar rules for Bazel

    A few years ago Meta opensourced xar, I think it’s a cool piece of software.

    Recently I had the need to integrate it with bazel so that I could produce versions of stacky packaged as a xar archive.

    I haven’t found anything to do it already so I wrote my own rules for bazel...

  • Remapping keys for azerty keyboard in Linux

    I learned to type on a french keyboard (azerty) and that’s kind of the muscle memory that I have. Now that I live in the US I have to remap my keyboard and it’s mostly ok but for the < and > signs, on a Macbook it’s kind of ok as it’s located on the key...

  • VIM configuration update

    It’s been a while that I haven’t posted about it but I have been quite active updating my vim configuration and other related dotfiles.

    I decided to change the LSP client from LanguageClient to LSClient as it support more feature from the LSP protocol.

  • Fixing Salt LSP

    I’m using Salt for managing configuration and I have been making changes to my VIM configuration relying more on LanguageServer to help with the autocomplete and as I’m spending more time with Salt I become fustrated by not having autocomplete in my state files.

    Turns out that there was something already for acting as...